
Reasons to Value Vinyl, Part III: Sleeveface

AUSTIN, TX – About to board a plane back to DC after another stimulating uTunes residency at UT, and what do I behold in the paper but a little wire service item buried in the back of the paper about “Sleevefacing.” The Alpower blog tells you all you need to know. Can’t wait to try this out at home with my own vinyl collection!

Sleeve + Face: Alpower

Alpower is right — the Flickr slideshow is sure to bring a smile to your face. Check out more on the “official” sleeveface website!

And even….the official(?) “how-to” video…

The Ultimate “Music Video”

This is why I love YouTube. It all started when Dr. Wizard came down the stairs humming the old British Music Hall song A Mother’s Lament, and looking for the words. And then I remembered that Cream actually recorded the song on their Disraeli Gears album. Which led to finding this bit of video silliness. Who’d a thunk it? Could this replace the “Yule Log?”